Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Results

Good evening folks! This is John MaKain sitting alongside my broadcast partner Tommy Victor. We are live from Dayton, Ohio.

[The intro video rolls, after that we are now takin to the backstage area. Doc Martin is up in Zabbars face.]

Doc: You got a problem!? You think you can tell ME that I need more respect for the buisness!?

Zabbar: Yeah, you slimy piece of sh..

Zabbar is interrupted by a nasty punch to the face. He responds by punching back. The two trade punchs shortly. Zabbar backs up and attempts a lariet but is ducked by Doc who throws a lariet of his own to the back of Zabbars head. Zabbard hits into a wall and Doc begins slamming his head into it and then throws him to the ground. EMTs try to help Zabbar, as they help Doc clears off a nearby table. He walks over and throws the EMTs away and picks up Zabbar, who is badly bleeding, and lifts him in chokeslam position and carrys him over to the table and viciously slams him thru it. Doc walks away angry and the EMTs rush to Zabbar.

[The Camera Goes back to the broadcast team]

Jack: Wow now thats a way to start off our first show.

Tommy: What happened? I was in the bathroom.

Jack: Doc Martin practically killed Zabbar and then put him though a table.

Tommy: Damn Mexican burritos, they always make me miss the good stuff.

Jack: Up next is Money Man against The Legend after this commercial break.


We come back to see Money Man already in the ring. The Legends music starts and he begins walking to the ring.

Jack: He must weigh at least 600 pounds!

Tommy: Yeah maybe in his young days.

He gets to the ring and gets in. Legend and Money Man stare each other down. Money Man runs at Legend and hits him with a lariet but Legend shakes it off and hits Money with a big punch. Money falls back and rolls out of the ring.

Tommy: Knocked him right on his ass.

Money gets up on the apron and Legend walks towards him and throws a punch. Money ducks it and shoves Legend back, Money jumps up and launches himself off the ropes. Legend catches him mid-air, and powerslams him to the ground and stays on top of him.

Jack: That was a sick thud.

The ref jumps down for the pin.



Money is able to slide his foot on the rope at the last milisecond. Legend gets up and argues with the ref, Money pulls himself into the corner.

Jack: At least he can still move.

Tommy: Not for long!

Legend looks back and runs into Money in the corner, he then throws him to the ground and begins climbing the ropes. Legend jumps and lands the Atomic Bomb Splash on Money, crushing him and engulfing him.

Jack: Holy shit! He killed him.

Tommy: It's like he got hit with a building!

Legend stands up and the ref starts checking Money. The ref looks over and calls for the bell.

Ding ding ding

And your winner, by knockout at 5:22, The Legend!

Jack: That was sickening.

Tommy: How are they gonna scrap him out of the ring.

Jack: Well, on to bigger and better things.

Tommy: I don't know about bigger.

Jack: you know what I mean; up next is Mark Murder vs Zombie Sane.

Tommy: Yeah but after these commercials.


The camera comes back and Mark Murder is walking to the ring, he rolls in and stares at the ramp.

Jack: This is not the first time him and Zombie Sane have been in the ring together, they have had numerous battles in Japan.

Tommy: I can't wait to see them battle tonight.

Zombie Sanes music hits and he begins running toward the ring. He slides under the ropes and stands up. He runs towards Mark and Mark hits him with a spinning forearm.

Jack: Did you see that shot!?

Tommy: About took his head off!

Zombie hits the ground hard. Mark quickly gets on him with a triangle choke, but Zombie is able to stand while in the hold.

Jack: Look at that raw power

He powers Mark up and slams him down hard; he quickly hops down and begins punching him. Mark slides into the ropes and falls out of the ring and Zombie begins to pull himself up with the ropes.

Tommy: What is he doing?

Zombie jumps over the ropes but Mark moves and at the same time pulls a chair out from under the ring.

Jack: This is not right!

Tommy: But very entertaining.

Zombie begins to get up and gets smacked violently with the chair, he falls into the barricade.

Tommy: Now that’s violence.

The ref calls for the bell. Zombie tries to get up but gets hit with a chair, he falls back and his head is leaning against the barricade.

Tommy: I don't think he's done.

Mark begins smashing his head with the chair while it is up against the barricade. He hits him one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten times. Mark throws the chair back and blood is everywhere, Zombie is no longer moving.

Jack: That is disgusting

Mark walks over to the announcer table and starts ripping it apart.

Jack: This man is a disgrace to wrestling.

Mark looks back John and punches him square in the face, Victor starts punching Mark and they begin trading blows. All of sudden Doc Martin comes out of the crowd and knocks Victor to the ground; Mark and Doc begin stomping Victor until blood is everywhere. Mark picks Victor up and lays him on the table and points toward Zombie. Doc walks over to Zombie and picks him up, he then lifts him to chokeslam position and carries him over to the table with Victor on it, he then slams Zombie through the table. Mark then walks over to Jack MaKain and floors him, Doc walks over and the two proceed to stomp him. Mark walks over to the bell table and grabs a microphone.

Mark: I am sick of wrestling Zombie Sane, I wrestled that wannabe shoot fighter in Japan about 50 times. He didn't take the hint to give up when I slammed him on his weak neck, but I sure hope that this was enough of a hint. I wouldn't have this bloody mess if that two-bit announcer would have just shut his damn mouth. Now onto better things, me and Doc here are taking over. We aren't gonna wrestle anymore, just kill.

Mark throws the mic down and him and Doc walk away.


Jammall Jones is already in the ring when the show comes back. Mark Murder walks out from behind the curtain with a pipe. He begins walking down to the ring but stops just before he gets in. Jammall is yelling at him and taunting. Mark laughs and points behind him. Jammall turns around and gets hit with a steel pipe by Doc Martin. Mark slides in the ring and the two begin beating Jammall with pipes. During this wifebeater walks out with a singapore cane. He rolls into the ring and there is a stare down. Wifebeater then begins caning Jammall, Doc and Mark join in. Doc gets out of the ring and grabs a chair, he then lays it down on the mat. Mark picks up Jammall, he then does the Burning Rubbing Alcohol (Powerbomb on neck) to Jammall onto the chair. Doc picks up Jammall and chokeslams him onto the chair. Wifebeater picks up Jammall and does the Domestic Abuse (Cradle Piledriver) onto the chair. He then picks him up and does it again. He then puts his foot on him for the pin.




And your winner, by pinfall at 3:05, The Wifebeater.

The three stand over Jammall and the camera fades out.

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